Chatty Cathy Rising Conservative Voice in NY Politics takes on Big Media

Chatty Cathy host of The Chatty Cathy Show gets results when it comes to holding a big media company accountable.
Cathy, never to act rude gets the Schnep's Media producer Stephen Witt to agree to retract a statement they have been running for weeks that Bill Pepitone had pulled out of the NYC 2021 Mayoral Race and withdrawn. Problem is it's not true. Pepitone is a Candidate with strong support.

This is the second time Mr. Wiit was asked to promise to make the changes in the interest of everyone keeping their heads on and not off. LIVEONE.TV is an media company in the same market as Schnep's Media and produces The Chatty Cathy Show with its' increasingly popular star Chatty Cathy Murawski.

Published on Jul 12,2021

Chatting with Cathy